All is going surprisingly well. Nothing much has changed, really.
Still a bit swollen on the lymphatic mucosa tissue behind the head but every site I have read says that it will reduce by day 14 and to just keep it wrapped with pressure on it. I left the bandage off yesterday for 6 or so hours and it swelled up quite a bit, it is also super sensitive when I wear underwear without the bandage. :-)
As you can see, the wound is healing nicely. The internal stitches are having a blackened (presumably old blood) appearance, there are "locking" stitches on the top (where they removed a vein), on the right side (looking down) and on the underside. These are getting stuck in every dressing I have put on so far and are thoroughly annoying! They might be removed in the next week... If I grow the balls to do it. Although some sites are recommending that stitches can be removed after as little as 5-7 days. Crazy talk.