Wow it is crazy to think it has been six weeks!! Seems like yesterday... Yet it all seems still so recent and still healing...
So I have something that may be a little Too Much Information...
During the surgery in my drugged state, I asked to keep my foreskin, which they said:
"Well it is yours so I don't see why not! Just don't go showing people haha."
So I ended up with this gross little shriveled skin in bloody preserving solution... Actually made me nauseous the next day looking at it. Anyway, the reason I kept it (partly because the movie, Meet the Fockers, skip to about 1:40 to see what I am on about haha) but the other reason was in case I missed it. In case I regretted it all afterwards and had something to remember by younger 'intact' days... But I really don't. While it still looks a little funny and the scar has some softening to do before it all looks like a normal circ (if it does soften at all, although the doc told me it would. And he has been right about everything else so far), I am so happy with it. I know I keep saying it. Sorry!
I hear a lot of people saying online that "Oh I wish I had it done earlier!" ... I really am glad that I wasn't. I am so glad that I had the option! If I hadn't have had it growing up in a predominantly uncut society in NZ, I think I would have wished I was uncut perhaps... Who knows. But I am glad my parents left me the way I was. I still remember being a little boy and asking mum why dad's thing looked different to mine and she said it was because he was circumcised and they left me the way I was so I could decide if I wanted it done when I was older! But I feel better having had the opportunity to have 21 years of uncut with about 6+ years of researching getting circumcised and making a fully informed decision!
It is funny that so much of the anti-circ stuff out there is based on children, with maybe 10% being adults. I hated reading it all (but I did) because I was so for circumcision! But I kind of get it now. A lot of the argument is based on letting the kids decide for themselves. And only now do I understand that. However, when I have kids of my own I am still not sure if I will get them done. I don't have any friends that regret getting done, or having been done as a kid. So I don't think it would be a bad thing to save them grief later in life of getting it done, along with the added benefits of being cleaner growing up. But then again, it's their (little) body and their decision.
I can also report that the sensation is still amazing. I think it is actually noticeably better than before! (Although this may lessen with time... I still feel that I am quite sensitive and would actually be happy to lose a little bit). So don't believe all the bullshit you read online!! All of them are from people who have not done the research and have had it done on a whim... If you are actually reading this and have done heaps of research into it, you know you want it done, you probably should go do it! Below are some sites that I have bookmarked that helped me in making my decision:
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The aim of this blog has only ever been to help someone else going through this. If anyone has any questions or queries... ANYTHING! Don't hesitate to ask, photos from different angles or of specific things. Let me know :-)