Hi there
Apologies for the lack of updates as I have been away on holiday but I knew it would coincide with the 10 weeks since my operation!
Time has obviously just flown by since I got it done and I am really happy with it. The underside (where it split open) does tend to get a bit tender after it gets used... But not sore or painful at all. The feeling is still great and I still have no regrets about following through with getting it done after having wanted the operation for around 8 years. He has been used quite a lot now and it is awesome.
The scar is looking better as is the scar where they removed the vein along the top. I always hated it and I really love how he looks now. I love that I am not over sensitive and I love how sex feels with the tightness of the skin. I really feel everything and it is a much MUCH more enjoyable experience! Which I honestly did not think I would be able to say! While some people may have had different experiences and opinions, this is something that I really battled with before getting it done as I had a fully working penis beforehand and really had no medical need for the surgery other than wanting a better looking penis. But I have no regrets!

As you can see quite clearly from the comparison, the scar line has healed quite well and the swelling has gone down considerably. The mucosa took around 6-8 weeks to heal and for that swelling to reduce. I did notice that if I wore loose boxers, it would be fine, but only when I wore tighter underwear did the swelling increase. Not sure why exactly but must be due to the constrictive nature of tighter underwear. For that reason, I did only wear looser underwear so it looked more normal. That is not an issue anymore as it has fully healed. Although it does puff up a little after a lot of use...
Not necessarily relevant but could help someone else in the future!
Once again, if anyone has any questions or want any other photos etc... Please don't hesitate to message me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I will update again in a week :-)