Michael's Circumcision Experience

My story.. Well.. first up, I'm 23 living in Sydney (since January) with no medical/foreskin issues.

Id been thinking about getting it done for the past 6 or so years, ever since i can really remember in my sexual life. Ive always found that with an exposed head during sex, masturbation, oral sex etc everything just felt better and 'right' not to let the foreskin get involved. I had tried wearing it back for a few days at a time with no real progress, it would roll forwards and using tape / tight underwear, everything just didn't work.  After moving to sydney (from the west coast where you cant get circumcision done easily) i realised that in this stage of my life, this is the perfect time to do it as there were plenty of places to get it done. Gold coast just up the road, Melbourne to the south and a few right here in sydney. It took a few months to get the courage to call up and make an appointment to just 'enquire' about whats involved. id read quite a few blogs about 10 times over just to see what i was in for and figured that i just need to bite the bullet and get it done, otherwise id continue reading and continue the desire to eventually get it done.  I booked into a clinic in sydney in drummoyne, seemed ok on the website and i was nervous as hell on that first phone call. they mainly deal with skin cancer and when i called in regards to circumcision it kind of felt like i was doing something wrong. I got through the call and made an appt for 2 weeks from that day for an initial consult. I kept reading blogs ect and finally the day came that i would go and speak to a doctor to actually sort it out!

I went to the consult and the doctor agreed to do it without hesitation, i mentioned to him that i wanted to keep most of my inner forskin as i find it super sensitive and he suggested that i keep only 1cm (from the head). i wasnt too happy with that and i suggested 2 or 3cm. he wouldn't really listen to me and finally we agreed on 1.5cm (due to my 'anatomy'). he told me that i shouldt get it too tight as my erections are more than double my flacid length and he wanted to make sure that there was going to be enough room for the skin to stretch out. I aggreed and figured he knows what he is talking about in that regard. End result would be what he calls 'high and medium'. i also asked to keep my fren, i also get alot of pleasure from it. He had no issues with that. I was originally booked in for surgery (local anaesthetic in the clinic) 2 weeks later, but after getting home and thinking over the 2 weeks. i couldnt get the courage to commit. I had paid a $200 deposit and commitied, but it still did not feel right. The price of $2000 was also on my mind. (rebate from medicare is $650, but i needed to pay the total upfront). I ended up cancelling and getting the refund. i told them id be in contact later, if i chose to go ahead.

3 months later, im ready, and my bank account is also a little better off to. i decided to book in on the 19th September.. 

I was shitting myself all day. all night and every spare moment i could find. I called on the monday oping to get a friday appointment, and it turns out they could only do the thursday... made me even more nervous as it was earlier than i had hoped!  I took the thursday and friday off work and figured that would be enough, it was double what the doc had recommended so that was fine.

I had the sugury, took about 1 hour 15mins of looking at a ceiling and was at times uncomfortable. The worst part, is not the anaesthetic injections, but the parts of your penis that didnt get numbed properly and you can feel the cutting!!!!!!!  its not horrific, just feels like a papercut, i asked him to stop and he would pump in more anaesthetic. 2 seconds later, couldnt feel a thing. it sounds traumatic, but looking back, its really not that bad.

recovery is easy as. I was in the original bandage for 3 days, then took it off for showers ect, then put it back in a tight bandage each day for a week whilst at work to keep the swelling down, i feel this has sped the healing up dramatically. I was lucky to have no infections also.  

Here's the strange bit, which i have never come accross on another blog before.. I was told 6 weeks no sex, masturbation or sexual stimulation. BUT, some how, somewhere, something, some angel was looking down on me or something, because, i was able to masturbate lightly 4 days after the surgury and was having sex (with a condom) 12 days later.  on day 10 i removed the stitches and by day 18 i was having sex normally again (no scabs, open wounds of course). I couldnt believe it.

As i approach week 4, everyhting feels normal and there is no pain, im sexually back to routine also. No oral sex yet though... this weekend maybe!  Sensations yes, are different. I hate saying that, because it means nothing to someone who is looking into the surgury, but they are. the feeling that takes the most getting used to is removing the 'gliding' motion as you masturbate and have sex, not the gliding motion of the skin on the head, but the skin moving along the shaft. I dint realise it was there and now that its gone, i love the new sensation, but i was caught out as i hadnt thought about this before. The head does dry out and when flaccid, and the sexual arousal of having the head exposed is lessened, but as soon as you become erect, ALL of the senstation returns and there is no difference (for me) in the sensitivity of the head. The way its now stimulated is perfect during sex ect, and i wouldnt have it any other way!

Hope thats all good mate - let me know if you need anything else!

Feel free to pass on my email if you like also to others wanting it.



Michael's Circumcision Experience Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown