My 'different' circumcision experience.
I decided to title this entry the 'different' circumcision because, well, by judging from all of the rest of the guys I seemed to have a more turbulent time.
Firstly I want to say, throughout the whole experience NO PAIN was felt at all.
I was circumcised on June 13th 2014. It was a Friday. (Friday the 13th.. I was never superstitious but maybe I should start). I'm 19 years old and was circumcised because of phimosis.
Everything went fine, was very nervous before but the anesthesiologist calmed me right down. About an 2 hours later I woke up from the general anesthetic with NO pain. I was sent on my way home wearing baggy boxers.
When I got home I peed and checked out my bandage. It seemed fine. The next day I removed the bandage. There was some swelling, nothing major and the stitches were black with crusted blood. The next few days I just chilled on the couch and didn't really move. I was still wearing baggy boxers for about a week because the glans were so sensitive. My dad was away, so I was staying with my mom. I looked ridiculous walking around the house because I would put my hand down my boxers and hold the material away from my penis. I did this for a week, way too scared to touch the glands.
When my dad arrived home, he saw me doing this and told me I looked like a complete knobhead. He made me put on tight boxers and let the glands touch... And guess what? I felt no more sensitivty. From then on I wore briefs, really right ones and I could wear jeans etc and walk perfectly.
There was a lot of crusted blood after about two weeks and some minor bleeding. After two weeks I noticed some puss and knew I had an infection. I went to the gp and got antibiotics for two weeks. The infection was around the frenulum. The frenulum never looked good. It was very bumpy and swollen. I had some problems with my meatus sticking to my briefs. I don't know why this happened but it did for a Number of days and then just stopped. The infection was slowly getting better.
After 2 weeks I was set to travel to Florida. I did and the flight was fine. When I arrived I inspected my member and all seemed the same. All the stitches still in. The stitches were becomig a concern because I wanted them out. I went to a doctor over In Florida to check out my member because of some bleeding on the frenulum and I just wanted an overview because it really was looking nasty. He cleaned off some blood and wrapped me up. He told me to keep the bandage on but I took it off after two days. One night, about a week after I had seen the doc I noticed a lot of bleeding from my frenulum. And i mean a lot. No pain though just a fuck load of blood. I went to back to him and he wrapped it again and cleaned it. I left the bandage on this time, changed it daily, for about 5 days. This healed the frenulum and stopped the bleeding. He requested I went back one more time in a week. And I did. He was happy with how I was healing and that was about it. He removed a couple of loose stitches and this made a big difference in the appearance. Although a lot of the stitches were still in.
I then flew to Los Angeles because of a course im taking. This was about the 4 week stage and a good few stitches were still in. They slowly began to fall out, but a lot of big scabs were there. I picked as much of them as I could off.
By week 5 my penis is starting to look normal again. The scar line is very very bumpy and uneven still but I'm sure this'll smooth out in time.
As far as masterbation- I have an extremely high sex drive so this was one of my biggest concerns. Before the circ I was whacking off about twice a day. Afterward though my sex drive dropped as I knew I didn't want to wank because I thought it would be sore. I held off as long as I could. Because the stitches were out, hard ones were fine so I was starting to get horny again and I had my first wank on July 20th. I put a condom just on the glands and experimented and holy fuck it was an insane wank. Since then I've masterbated three times and today when I'm writing this is July 22nd. I'm starting to get a sense of normal now. I'm back skateboarding and all seems ok. Although as I said before the scar line seems to be slowly healing.
Nighttime erections- yeah they hurt the first week or so but not too unbearable.
To conclude, sorry this was so long I just had a shit tone of info to get in, and I'm pretty sure I've left a lot out. I would love to answer any questions you guys have because I was so nervous before hand and afterward and I know how it feels, so I can put your mind at ease. Peace.