Hello there, I simply wanted to thank you for the blog you created and its because of this blog I build enough courage to visit a doctor and get circumcised myself. Here is my story...
Basically throughout my childhood I was too busy playing football and video games to ever concentrate on my little tool. And was never informed by anyone to pull the foreskin back so as I get older to make life easier.
It was only when I started watching porn that i realised that my penis is not what the guys in the video have, now i don't mean the size lol! It was that there helmet was not covered by skin and mine was. So i started stretching but with no positive results.
It was painful and just very uncomfortable however i decided i will leave it as i felt embarrassed. When i turned 16 and then 17 thats when things started to get really frustrating. Now don't get me wrong, i am not some kind of a pussy magnet however i did have a chance to get laid a few times however due to my "disability" i would never meet up with a girl or even speak to them.
I then decided to pull my foreskin back and leave it there for a few days and maybe, maybe that will allow the foreskin to stretch...WORST IDEA EVER!!!
This caused something which is called paraphimosis which happens when the foreskin gets stuck behind the head of the penis and swells, swells and swells that it finally got so big that it was almost the size of the glans itself and not only that, it was the worst pain i have ever went through when it comes to injuries. I didn't sleep for no idea how many days as it was so sore but again i kept it quiet until i decided that i must see a doctor. He was unable to help me as it was soo bad that they quickly took me to a hospital where i got the foreskin pulled over the glans again and after a few days it looked normal however this deformed my foreskin completely, it was thick and ugly and i said to myself, as soon as i turn 18 i will get that stupid thing cut off!
And so i did.
I was embarrassed to visit a doctor but i then realised that they deal with stuff like this on daily basis and its normal to them. So i got an appointment (with a male doctor) and after a little talk he then looked at my penis and was away to prescribe me some shitty stretching cream but I simply said "can i just get circumcised" his reply was "no problem" :)
After a few weeks i received a letter saying that i should be expecting an appointment soon and, a few days after i received a letter saying my appointment is on the 28th of May 2014 which was 2-3 from when i received that letter.
To make things worst, that week my car broke and i had to get to the hospital somehow but i didn't want to tell anybody about this, so i managed to borrow my uncles car saying that i have an important "exam" to get to and its on the day when there is no buses going about, he believed me and gave me the keys.
So on arrival to the hospital, i got my own bed and basically had to fill in some documents. After that i waited for about 2 hours before they took me, simply put me to sleep and made the magic happen.
I woke up, after a couple of hours i was allowed to leave only if someone picks me up! :O
But i managed to get my mate to pick me up, once they seen i was in his car, the nurse went back to the hospital, i quickly jumped into my car and was all good :)
On arrival, the bandages were all covered in blood and it was sore. Same when i got hard, it was very sore but we are men! Come on! So i took some pain killer and managed to get through it ok.
However just for your information, during the first 3-4 days. The frenulum was bleeding and i was very worried, i called the hospital and they said that this is all fine and it will stop in a few days. Which it did. during that time tho, i had to wear a shit load of bandages and two pairs of BLACK boxers just incase and also BLACK ones so my you can't see any blood on them.
7 months after here are my final results which i am very happy with!
To some of you folks who are suffering from a tight foreskin, seriously go for it, it will be the best thing you will ever do to your body and to the absolute BELLENDS who comment "why would you do that to yourself" i simply want to say... GO FUCK YOURSELF! Reason i say this is because its people like them i waited till i was 18 for this to be done, otherwise i would of got this done earlier! I do agree that its silly to do it if your penis is ok however if your foreskin is very tight, this is the only things that works! Creams and all that crap would probably make it even worse. And also people don't understand how embarrassing this is and also how depressing it can be living with a thought that your penis is covered by some skin and that you cannot use a properly...it made me feel odd.
I hope you enjoyed my little story and i hope it motivates someone to get their penis sorted if you are currently suffering from a tight foreskin.
P.S. I apologise that i don't have any photos before the procedure but i didn't think i will be posting here and i don't keep photos of my dick on my phone hehe.
All the best.