Hi all,
It is now two years since I got circumcised and two years since this blog began! The blog started out because I struggled to make a decision with the continual misinformation on the internet from fake blogs about a guy who got 'tricked' into get circumcised and how it ruined his life, through to blogs on workout websites etc.. It was really hard to ask the questions I had and get answers from similarly minded people. As well as this, I was sick of the adult circumcision debate getting intertwined with the infant circumcision debate and I still hate this. I love that I had a choice!!
This blog started with my first post: BEFORE C-DAY and thought it was momentous when I hit 10,000 views on my blog. Now my very first post has just under 15,000 views on that post alone and...
the blog will hit ONE MILLION views next month!
and this is also blog post number 98!! As you will have noticed, I do not attend to this blog everyday and some of you comment about how slow I am at posting and not getting back to you straight away, for this I am sorry. I try my hardest to get on here but I have a relationship and a full-time job that all keep me very busy. There are a lot of blogs out there like this one and they have dissipated and stopped becoming a useful source of information and I am really trying to keep this going for the help of everyone. So please bear with me.
I want to thank you all. It is without you all that this site wouldn't exist. Keep posting comments and keep sending me things to post at: GoldCoastCirc@gmail.com
I post everything that isn't a hate message. I keep the playing field even as you will see that their are some circumcisions that haven't gone as well as some others and some that look really great. They are all real people and their content has not been changed at all.
Let me know if you think I am doing anything wrong or if there are anyways I can change the blog to improve it. I would like to add a feature for people to create and post their own posts but I do not think there is the functionality for this.
There have been some haters of this blog over the years but I have done my best to remove all the comments as they appear. Advice for all of you however, stop replying to them for two reasons. One, is that they clearly thrive on it and two, I delete the post and all replies as I see them so there's a high chance they won't even see your reply.
So what has changed for me? Well not much really. I still don't regret it at all. I honestly thought I would have a level of regret about doing it and this may still happen in the future but it certainly hasn't happened yet. I still love sex 100% more now that I am cut. The tension and friction feels so damn sexy and same goes when I am masturbating.
My latest two updates were: NINE MONTHS!!! and My Own Circumcision - ONE YEAR ON!!! (which was posted two months late). At the latter one, the blog had just hit 500,000 views and about 10 months later, that has doubled. At this rate, we will double in views again in about 18 months.
Nothing has really changed since these last two posts. The scars I have around the circumcision line have continued to fade and are definitely not as obvious. I have gone back and forward with considering to get re-circ'd but other than the scars, I love my penis now and I don't want to risk doing through the recovery and expense of another procedure to have the same (or worse) results.
There has been a slight sensitivity decrease but it has only been the 'fine touch' sensitivity that I hated when I was uncut as it was over sensitive. Sex still feels amazing and I love hand jobs and blow jobs. But I don't get overwhelmed with either anymore as I used to before I got cut. Some may see this as a negative and that's fine, I hated the over sensitivity of my penis and felt that I was trying harder to hold myself back rather than enjoy myself! Now I can control myself so much better and go all out now and have a lot more fun. It feels a lot better and I can go and go and go but can time when I go so much better now. I do not regret getting circumcised at all and I would actually recommend it to anyone considering it.
I have had some people ask if their posts they submitted have been popular or 'why hasn't anyone commented on mine?' etc. etc.. So here are some stats below for you. Feel free to get in touch and see how your post has done if I don't mention it here.
For those of you that care, 36% of you use Google Chrome, 26% Safari, 19% Firefox and 7% Explorer.
Also, 43% of you are on Windows, 15% on Mac, 14% iPhone, 12% Android, 7% iPad, 4% Linux and iPods and Blackberrys account of less than 1% each. Interesting that Apple products total 37% of views and ALL Windows/Android products total 55%.
The busiest month for this blog was August 2014 (with 60,100 page views), followed by June 2014 (with 60,030 page views) and October 2014 (with 58,200 page views).
1st - Ryan's Circumcision Experience
It currently has just under 33,700 views at the time of posting!
2nd - The Perfect Circumcision
Which currently has 21,500 views.
3rd - Venezuela Man's Circumcision Experience
With 16,400 views.
1st - Sumit is Considering Circumcision - Advice!?
It currently has 55 comments on it. This has also been one of the most controversial posts I posted with some people calling for it to be taken down and a lot of trawlers. Sumit was happy for it to be left up and this blog is here not to keep people happy, but to assist in people making a decision. It is a medium and it is unbiased.
2nd - Day 114 - 18/07/13
This is actually my own post. My fourth month update and has 51 comments.
3rd - (UPDATE) Miguel's Circumcision
This one currently has 46 comments.
1st - United States of America
You guys views this site four times more often than the next closest countries and amount for about 50% of all page views.
2nd - Australia
3rd - United Kingdom
Followed by Canada (4th) and Germany (5th). It is nice to know that my page views were/are not based on a majority from Asian countries where most autobots are based. :-)
That is all for now. Once again, let me know if you have any other ideas for the blog or ways to improve it or get it out there more for others to see!